Jan 24, 2010

Samadhi (stereo tape piece, 2006)

Title: Samadhi (stereo tape piece)
Duration: 6 min 10 sec
Finished Date: November 5, 2003 (revised in May 2006)
Award:  First Prize in On-line Arts Creativity Competition under the category of Computer Music (Taiwan, 2006) 

Program Notes:
Samadhi, a terminology in Buddhism and Hinduism, is a state of deep meditation contemplation which leads to higher consciousness. Inspired by the thinking of Buddhism and with my personal experiences and preference of practicing meditation, I try, in this piece, to convey an imagery of deep meditation and concentration and to create a mysterious atmosphere of oriental religions. However, I did not draw the raw materials directly from real sounds recorded in oriental temples. Instead, only a male’s talking, noises produced by a cart, and school bells recorded from regular life are used. Through the techniques mainly including convolution, granular synthesis, time-stretch, morphing, spectral filtering and etc., the raw materials are transformed into different sounds but at the same time in some way bear the resemblance to the original to be identifiable and are rearranged musically to achieve coherence.

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